The Decks Page

Magic is a game at its core.

Your Decks Page

I will present all the features of the Decks page.
And like all other documentation pages, I will ensure this manual is kept up-to-date with every page modification.
I also remind you that all these changes are listed in the Patch Notes.

Let's be clear, this page is (for now) just a simple page displaying the list of your decks.
There are a few details we will go over.


Import or create a deck

You can perform 2 actions on this page:

  • Create a deck
  • Import a deck

Create a Deck

The idea is to create an empty deck to manually fill it via MCT.
A simple deck name is sufficient.
But also the deck format.

Import a Deck

This allows you to directly import the deck list.
It can be exported from Tappedout for example.
Generally, the content of this file looks like: X [Card Name].
And one line per card. To import your deck, here's how to proceed:

  • Export your deck from the source you want.
  • After clicking the button, enter the name of your future deck.
  • Select the deck format.
  • Paste your card list and validate.
  • The server will read your list and add the cards to the deck.

There are a few rules for the priority of cards it will add to the deck:
  • It will prioritize the cards you have in your collection.
  • If you have several, it will prioritize the highest-rated ones.
  • If you do not have the card in your collection, it will search all existing cards.
  • In this case, it will take the lowest-rated cards.

Some cards may not import correctly, the server will notify you, and you will need to add them manually.

The Deck List

The deck list

There is a slightly different presentation between mobile and desktop, but the same elements are present.
You will notice a search field at the top of the grid. It will allow you to search for the deck name or deck format.
Returning to the list of decks you have created or imported, each presents its own features:

  • Image: You can customize this image in the deck page itself. For decks with a commander, the commander is displayed. By default, the back of a card is displayed.
  • Name: The name of the deck. The one entered in the field during deck creation.
  • Type: The type of deck. Understand the type of game. All official formats are supported.
  • Colors: The known colors in the deck.
  • Cards: The number of cards contained in the deck.
  • Value: Total value of the cards. The data comes from Cardmarket. The value is updated once a week.

What's Next?

For now, nothing else is planned for this page. If you have any ideas, there is a Discord available for you to exchange with me and the community.