The Collection Page

Everything starts here, it's the foundation.

Your Collection Page

I will present all the features of the Collection page.
And like all other documentation pages, I will ensure this manual is kept up-to-date with every page modification.
I also remind you that all these changes are listed in the Patch Notes.

Let's be clear, this page is (for now) just a simple page displaying a table with all your cards.
There are several columns, we will explain each one of them.
Note that each screen resolution (mobile, tablet, computer) has its own table version.

Importing the Collection

Import your collection

You can import your collection from another management tool: UrzaGatherer
Here's how it works:

  • After clicking the button, choose the file to import.
  • The server will read the file and verify the presence of each card in its database.
  • For found cards, they will be added to your collection.
  • For cards not found, I will be alerted to help the system find a solution.

Understand that in the first case, it may already take a few minutes.
For the second, the time it takes for me to intervene can take longer. Please be patient.
If it really doesn't happen, a quick message on Discord to remind me of my duties.
Anyway, as long as the import is not completed, you will get a message to notify you.

The Table

Import your collection

We will detail all the columns, but depending on your device's format, you might not see them all. No worries, you can still search for information in the general search field of the table.
That said, nothing too complicated, let's start:

  • Name: Name of the card in French or your default language. It can be in English if it has never been translated. In the column's search field, you can search both in French and English.
  • Color: Color of the card. For the filter, here are the colors: B for Black, G for Green, R for Red, U for blUe, W for White, I for Colorless.
  • Type: Types of the card. They can be in English if they have never been translated. In the column's search field, you can search both in French and English.
  • Power: Only for creatures' Power/Toughness.
  • Expansion: Expansion logo and name of the expansion on hover. You can filter the column by expansion name (in English only).
  • Rarity: Rarity color point. We naturally keep the same color code as Magic.
  • Mana: Mana cost displayed on the card. The filter behaves like the color column. We only add {number} manas.
  • CostC: The converted mana cost. Understand the total mana required to cast the spell.
  • Number: Number of cards in the collection.
  • Value: Card's value on Cardmarket. The value is updated once a week.

More generally, you can sort each column in ascending and descending order. And you have a global search field that searches all columns at the same time.
You can click on the row you are interested in, and the site will open a new tab with the clicked card opened.

What's Next?

I currently have no ideas for adding elements to this page.
If you have any, there is a Discord available for you to exchange with me and the community.