Teysa, oligarque opulente

Créature légendaire — humain et conseiller

Contact mortel
Au début de votre étape de fin, enquêtez pour chaque adversaire qui a perdu des points de vie ce tour-ci.
À chaque fois qu'un indice que vous contrôlez est mis dans un cimetière depuis le champ de bataille, créez un jeton de créature 1/1 blanche et noire Esprit avec le vol. Cette capacité ne se déclenche qu'une seule fois par tour.

standard future historic gladiator pioneer explorer modern legacy pauper vintage penny commander brawl alchemy paupercommander duel oldschool premodern

Some abilities trigger “whenever you sacrifice a Clue”. Those abilities trigger whenever you sacrifice a Clue for any reason, not just to activate a Clue’s activated ability.
If an effect refers to a Clue, it means any Clue artifact, not just a Clue artifact token. For example, you can sacrifice Wrench to pay for Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth’s activated ability.
If an opponent lost life and subsequently lost the game, Teysa’s second ability still counts that player when determining how many times to investigate.
Some spells and abilities that investigate may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won’t resolve. You won’t create any Clue tokens.
You can’t sacrifice a Clue to pay multiple costs. For example, you can’t sacrifice a Clue token to activate its own ability and also to activate Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth’s ability.
Clue is an artifact type. Even though it appears on some cards with other permanent types, it’s never a creature type, a land type, or anything but an artifact type.
Some abilities trigger “whenever you sacrifice a Clue”. Those abilities trigger whenever you sacrifice a Clue for any reason, not just to activate a Clue’s activated ability.
If an effect refers to a Clue, it means any Clue artifact, not just a Clue artifact token. For example, you can sacrifice Wrench to pay for Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth’s activated ability.
If an opponent lost life and subsequently lost the game, Teysa’s second ability still counts that player when determining how many times to investigate.
Some spells and abilities that investigate may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won’t resolve. You won’t create any Clue tokens.
You can’t sacrifice a Clue to pay multiple costs. For example, you can’t sacrifice a Clue token to activate its own ability and also to activate Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth’s ability.
Clue is an artifact type. Even though it appears on some cards with other permanent types, it’s never a creature type, a land type, or anything but an artifact type.
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