
Plano — Alara

Siempre que un jugador lance un hechizo de criatura que sea negro, rojo o verde, gana la habilidad de devorar 5. (En cuanto la criatura entre al campo de batalla, su controlador puede sacrificar cualquier cantidad de criaturas. La criatura entra al campo de batalla con el quíntuple de esa cantidad de contadores +1/+1 sobre ella.)
Siempre que surja el caos, crea dos fichas de criatura Trasgo rojas 1/1.
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Casting a multicolor spell will cause the first ability to trigger as long as that spell is black, red, or green. It can be other colors as well.
If the creature spell already has devour, you may sacrifice creatures using either ability. Each creature you sacrifice counts for only one devour ability. Under most circumstances, you’ll pick the devour ability that gives the greatest number of +1/+1 counters.
Casting a multicolor spell will cause the first ability to trigger as long as that spell is black, red, or green. It can be other colors as well.
If the creature spell already has devour, you may sacrifice creatures using either ability. Each creature you sacrifice counts for only one devour ability. Under most circumstances, you’ll pick the devour ability that gives the greatest number of +1/+1 counters.
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